EnigmA Amiga Run 1996 March
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 05 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-03][Skylink CD IV].iso
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305 lines
# Test list digest
# Email address of the owner of this list.
Owner: thought@weblink.org
# Password for administration of this list.
Password: fubblewump
## OPTIONAL (default = 'none')
# Whether or not to check for commands at the beginning of
# message posted to this list, and what to do with them.
# Valid values are:
# none Don't check for commands in posted messages.
# fwd Forward the post to the list owner.
# use Treat the post as if it were sent to
# listname-request
# Note that both 'fwd' and 'use' can be specified, if two
# of these lines are given.
AutoCmd: none
# Password required to appear in an Approved: header for
# each message posted to the list. Otherwise, it will
# bounce to the list owner for approval. If not specified,
# this feature is disabled for this list.
ApprovePwd: finkleheimer
## OPTIONAL (default = blank)
# One-line description of the list, listed with the INDEX
# command.
ShortDesc: a simple test digest list.
## OPTIONAL (default = blank)
# Multiple-line description ot the list, listed with the
# LONGINDEX command. See also: ModerateInfo
LongDesc: First line.
'Second line.
'Third line.
'Blah, blah, blah, and so on...
# Multi-line list of headers to be inserted into every
# message posted to this list. If you leave a blank
# line in here, everything below it will be inserted
# at the beginning of the message, instead of into
# the header list.
Headers: X-First-Header: Woowoowoo
'X-Kool: Yes
'X-Dorky: No
'X-Useful: Maybe
'Reply-To: $LIST
'Errors-To: $OWN
'X-Digest: Yes
# Multi-line signature to attach to the end of every message
# posted to the list.
'- Hey, what a test digest list, huh folks? -
# If present, causes AList to compare only the username and
# domain name when performing address checks.
## OPTIONAL (default = 'all')
# Defines who may subscribe and unsubscribe members of this list.
# Possible values are:
# all Anyone may add/delete anyone else
# self People may only add/delete themselves
# owner Only the owner may add/delete members
ModerateList: all
## OPTIONAL (default = 'all')
# Defines who may post to the list. See also: ApprovePwd
# Possible values are:
# all Anyone may post to the list
# self Only members of the list may post
# owner Only the owner may post to the list
ModeratePosts: all
## OPTIONAL (default = 'all')
# Defines who may GET files from the list's file directory
# (if enabled). See also: FileGetPwd
# Possible values are:
# all Anyone may GET files
# self Only members may GET files
# owner Only the owner may GET files (not very useful)
ModerateFiles: all
## OPTIONAL (default = 'all')
# Defines who may PUT files into the list's file directory
# (if enabled). See also: FilePutPwd
# Possible values are:
# all Anyone may PUT files
# self Only members may PUT files
# owner Only the owner may PUT files
ModerateFPosts: all
## OPTIONAL (default = 'all')
# Defines who may use the INFO command on this list.
# Possible values are:
# all Anyone
# self Members only
# owner Only the owner
ModerateInfo: all
## OPTIONAL (default = 'all')
# Defines who may get a listing of the current members on this
# list, via the WHO command.
# Possible values are:
# all Anyone
# self Only other members
# owner Only the owner
ModerateWho: all
# If specified, causes the list to require an APPROVE password
# matching this string before a file is retrieved from the
# list's file directory (if enabled). See also: ModerateFiles
#FileGetPwd: fwacklefwind
# If specified, causes the list to require an APPROVE password
# matching this string before a file is uudecoded and placed
# in the list's file directory (if enabled). See also:
# ModerateFPosts
#FilePutPwd: fwacklefwump
# If specified, the list will check to see if this exact string
# can be found in the Subject: header of the post. If not, the
# list will insert it at the beginning of the Subject: header.
Subject: Test:
# If specified, the list will tack this multi-line string onto
# the end of the default welcome message sent to new members
# as they are subscribed.
' You have entered into another dimension.
'The Test Dimension.
## OPTIONAL (default = 'yes')
# Defines whether this list will be shown on the INDEX list.
Visible: yes
# Command line to use to decrypt incoming posts to the list.
# If not specified, this feature is disabled for this list.
# Special additional replacement strings can be used:
# $USER Replaced by the user's address
# $KEY The list's private decryption key, if specified.
#Decrypt: DecryptPGP <$MSG -k $KEY >$OUT
# Command line to use to encrypt outgoing posts to the list.
# If not specified, this feature is disabled for this list.
# Special additional replacement strings can be used:
# $USER Replaced by the user's address, as seen in the
# listname.who member list.
# $KEY Replaced by the user's public key, if specified by
# the SETKEY command. See also: RequireKey
# Note that if either $USER or $KEY is specified, this command
# will be called for each user on the list.
#Encrypt: EncryptPGP <$MSG -k $KEY >$OUT
## OPTIONAL (default = 'no')
# Specifies whether or not to keep the Received: headers on posted
# messages. (Received: headers list info about each stop the
# message made on it's trip to the mailing list.)
KeepReceived: no
## OPTIONAL (default = 'all')
# Multi-line list of headers to keep, or one of the following values:
# none Keep only the From:, To:, Subject:, and Date: headers.
# Doesn't touch Received: headers.
# all Don't touch the headers, except as per the KeepReceived
# command.
KeepHeaders: all
## OPTIONAL (default = 'no')
# Specifies whether or not this list requies a public key to be set
# (via the SETKEY command) for each user in order to receive posts.
# Possible values are:
# no Every member will get posts, regardless of whether or not
# they have their public key set.
# yes Only members with their public key set will receive posts.
# Those without their public key set will receive a message
# stating that they need to set their public key for every
# message posted to the list.
RequireKey: no
### Digest-Related Fields
# The name of the list to post the digest issues to.
# This field is required to be a valid existing list name.
#DigestName: test-digest
# Initial issue number. Defaults to 0.
#DigestIssue: 1
# Multi-line header added to the beginning of each digest issue.
# Quite useful for having an Approved: header in here and required on
# the digest list, to prevent non-digest posts.
# Counted as part of the number of lines and size.
#DigestHeader: Approved: poof
#'X-Posted-From-List: Yes
# Multi-line separater inserted between posts to this list.
# Note that a blank line is also inserted before and after this.
# Counted as part of the number of lines and size.
#DigestFooter: ************
# Number of bytes to accumulate before triggering a post.
# This number should be in K (1024 bytes).
# Note that the post will be larger than this.
# Default is to not check.
# (4k is usually about 200 lines, and a size ALL mailers accept)
#DigestSize: 4
# Number of lines to accumulate before triggering a post.
# Note that the post will be larger than this.
# Default is to not check.
#DigestLines: 200
# Number of days after the first post in the current issue to force
# a digest post.
# Default is to not check.
# Note that if you don't specify Size, Lines, or Age, you will NEVER
# get a digest post, and it'll continue to accumulate all posts!
#DigestAge: 5
# Name for 'issue', defaults to 'ISSUE'.
#DigestIssueName: VERSION
# Number to start at. If not specified, or 0, volumes are disabled.
#DigestVolume: 1
# Issue number to roll over to a new volume number.
# If not specified, or 0, you will never roll over.
#DigestVolIssues: 99
# Name for volumes. Defaults to 'VOLUME'.
#DigestVolumeName: VOLUME
# List of replacement strings which occure at posting time in the above
# settings:
# $MSG The body of the message. Usually used as standard input.
# $OUT The file to output the results of a command to.
# $USER The user sending or receiving the message.
# $FROM The user sending the message.
# $TO The user receiving the message.
# $DATE The current date/time.
# $SUBJ The subject of the message.
# $LIST The current list. Shouldn't be necissary.